Howard County Executive Ken Ulman and Recreation and Parks Director John R. Byrd cordially invited folks to the ribbon cutting of the Cricket Pitch at the Newly Renovated Schooley Mill Park.
Member of House of Delegates Guy Guzzone was joined at the event.
12975 Hall Shop Road, Highland, MD 20777(Baltimore Metro area).
Monday, May 13, at 6:00 p.m.
Enjoyed a demonstration with players from the Howard County Recreation and Parks Cricket League following the ceremony. Guests welcome and encouraged to join in the fun.
>City(s) = Highland; State(s) = MD; Country = USA.
>Title = Ribbon cutting of the Cricket Pitch and Demo Play, Highland, MD, USA - Video.
>Keywords = Ribbon cutting, Cricket Pitch, Demo Play, Highland, MD, USA, Howard County, Executive Ken Ulman, Recreation and Parks, Director John R Byrd, Schooley Mill Park, 12975 Hall Shop Road, Baltimore, Cricket League, opening ceremony, Member of House of Delegates, Guy Guzzone (410)
>Catg =