East or West, We are the best . We Visit, We Record, We Present, We Share, You Enjoy! 16+ yrs free Community Social Service, 2008 - Years professional, event, trust, quality, unique, special, bond and brand.More
These are 1 yrs 3 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
Description - Published on 10/30/2023
* Use external speakers or headset to enjoy more Please help your folks/friends to know about these places/events/cultures Enjoy the content and common music even if few songs are in regional language. * Help required with nice background music(movie or others) of any language * Hide
Thanks to all the people who are supporting/advising and helping with improvements!
FOG team invited everyone to come and enjoy FOG Diwali, The Festival of Lights, celebration on Saturday, October 28th. at India Community Center, 525 Los Coches St., Milpitas. CA 95035.
Enjoyed Festival Of Globe Diwali from 10:30 am to 8 pm with amazing Dance Competitions, dazzling Deepotsava, Grand Saree Fashion Show, Lakshmi Pooja, Food Fest, Drawing and Rangoli Competition, Diya painting, and much more. Dignitaries came there at 5 pm. Chief Guest Dr K. Srikar Reddy, CGISF.
Celebrated the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. May this Diwali bring you and your loved ones endless moments of togetherness and laughter. FOG in association with ICC presents FOG Diwali Mela. FREE PARKING.
>City(s) = Milpitas; State(s) = CA; Country = USA. >Title = FOG Diwali at ICC, Milpitas, CA, USA - Video. >Keywords = FOG, Diwali, ICC, Milpitas, CA, USA (844) >Catg =