East or West, We are the best . We Visit, We Record, We Present, We Share, You Enjoy! 16+ yrs free Community Social Service, 2008 - Years professional, event, trust, quality, unique, special, bond and brand.More
These are 2 yrs 5 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
Description - Published on 08/26/2022
* Use external speakers or headset to enjoy more Please help your folks/friends to know about these places/events/cultures Enjoy the content and common music even if few songs are in regional language. * Help required with nice background music(movie or others) of any language * Hide
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FOG India Day Parade and Fair was an annual celebration of Indian heritage and culture for the entire Bay Area featuring a variety of fun activities for revelers of all ages.
Attendees enjoyed an Indian cultural dance and musical extravaganza as well as a health fair, grand parade, arts and crafts bazaar, a bevy of yummy food options and much more.
AUG 20 AT 10 AM – AUG 21 AT 6 PM.
39439 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94538-2309, USA.
>City(s) = Milpitas; State(s) = CA; Country = USA. >Title = FOG India Day Parade and Fair, Fremont, CA, USA - Video. >Keywords = FOG India Day, Parade, Fair, Fremont, CA, USA (837) >Catg =