East or West, We are the best . We Visit, We Record, We Present, We Share, You Enjoy! 16+ yrs free Community Social Service, 2008 - Years professional, event, trust, quality, unique, special, bond and brand.More
These are 12 yrs 5 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
Description - Published on 09/08/2012
* Use external speakers or headset to enjoy more Please help your folks/friends to know about these places/events/cultures Enjoy the content and common music even if few songs are in regional language. * Help required with nice background music(movie or others) of any language * Hide
Thanks to all the people who are supporting/advising and helping with improvements!
* Sept 8th and 9th - 12pm to 6pm
* Great Live Music, Wonderful Food and Crafts
Great Grapes! is Northern Virginias premier casual wine tasting with HUNDREDS of wines available for sampling.
Take your souvenir tasting glass as you enter the festival and stroll from tent to tent and table to table tasting and sampling the rich Heritage of Virginia vines.
As you sip and savor the afternoon, relax in the beautiful setting of the Reston Town Center.
You are welcome to bring lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy the great LIVE music on the Main Stage .
Sit down and learn while the experts give you hands-on demos in the Gourmet Live! tent with wine and food pairings. There is even a KIDs Activity Area.
>City(s) = Reston; State(s) = VA; Country = USA. >Title = Great Grapes - wine, arts and food festival, Reston Town Center, Reston, VA, US - Video. >Keywords = Great Grapes, wine, arts food festival, Reston Town Center, Reston, VA, USA, Great Live Music, Wonderful Food and Crafts, Northern Virginia, souvenir tasting glass, sampling Heritage of Virginia vines, KIDs Activity Area (343) >Catg =