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These are 1 yrs 6 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
Description - Published on 08/13/2023
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Big statues dot the landscape of this peaceful Buddhist temple founded by Cambodian refugees.
Visitors welcome daily during daylight hours. Free entry, donations accepted. Bathrooms available on site.
As seen on Huell Howsers ROAD TRIP to Stockton in 2007, the Stockton Cambodian Buddhist Temple (Wat Dharmararam) is an active Buddhist temple that features over 90 colorful and larger than life jewel encrusted statues that celebrate the life and story of the Cambodian Buddha. You have to see it to believe it....the temple boasts a 50 foot long recumbent Buddha. Also home to the annual Cambodian New Year Celebration every April.
3732 Carpenter Rd, Stockton, CA 95215.
>City(s) = Stockton; State(s) = CA; Country = USA. >Title = Wat Dhammararam Buddhist Cambodian Temple, Stockton, CA, USA - Video. >Keywords = Wat, Dhammararam, Buddhist, Cambodian, Temple, Stockton, CA, USA, Buddha (841) >Catg =