Telangana is a rich culture amalgamated with literature, cuisine, poetry, arts, festivals and dances.
Telangana American Telugu Association(TATA) cordially invited all to be part of the grand celebrations filled with vibrant colours and talent! Free admission and free dinner! 1st Anniversary celebrations of TATA.
Venu : India Community Center, 525 Los Coches St, Milpitas, California 95035.
Date : Apr 30, 2016 5pm-11pm.
Chief Guest - Sri G. Jagadish Reddy, Honarable minister for energy, Telangana
Sri Rasmai Balakishan, MLA, Poet and Singer, Telangana. Chitralekha - Anchor
Raghu Vemula - Anchor.
>City(s) = Milpitas; State(s) = CA; Country = USA.
>Title = Telangana Cultural Festival by TATA, Milpitas, CA, USA - Video.
>Keywords = Telangana Cultural Festival, TATA, Milpitas, CA, USA, Telangana American Telugu Association, India Community Center, Jagadish Reddy, energy minister, Telangana, Rasmai Balakishan, MLA, Poet, Singer, Chitralekha, Raghu vemula, anchor, 1st Anniversary celebrations
>Catg =