The National Cherry Blossom Festival Family Day & Opening Ceremony Presented with the National Building Museum. The Opening Ceremony is a National Cherry Blossom Festival tradition that embraces the true meaning of the Festival - the celebration of spring, cross-cultural exchange and community. His Excellency Ichiro Fujisaki, Ambassador of Japan, leads the tableau of Washington dignitaries to welcome the crowd that fills the majestic balconies throughout the Great Hall of the National Building Museum. The program started at 4:00 PM.
* With a resounding opening, The Shigeyama family, famous Kyogen players with a history dating 400 years, performs Sambaso, the most sacred and celebratory of all plays in the Noh and Kyogen repertoire.
* Miss DC 2009 Jennifer Corey continues the program with the U.S. National Anthem.
* Iori Kotake, soprano, is a native of Tokyo, and performs the National Anthem of Japan.
* Celebrated 30-year-old composer and solo pianist Tempei takes the stage next.
The Washington Ballet returns for the second year, with three members of the Studio Company performing variations from Grand Pas Classique, La Bayadere and La Esmeralda. Japanese natives Ayano Kimura, Tamako Miyazaki and Yuka Oyoshi dazzle the audience with their grace and prowess. All three women are seasoned dancers who have been recognized internationally for their accomplishments in the world of ballet.
>City(s) = Washington DC; State(s) = DC; Country = USA.
>Title = National Cherry Blossom Festival Opening Ceremony, Washington DC, US - Video.
>Keywords = National Cherry Blossom Festival, Family Day, Opening Ceremony, Washington DC, US, Ichiro Fujisaki, Ambassado Japan, Shigeyama family, Miss, Iori Kotake, pianist Tempei, Washington Ballet, ourtripvideos, our, trip, videos, crlapindfrn (161)
>Catg =