Pennsylvania Farm Show, Harrisburg, PA, US - 0 Pictures
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Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex & Expo Center, North Cameron and Maclay Streets, Harrisburg, PA.

Time : 8 to 14 - 8AM to 9PM, 15 - 8AM to 5PM.

The Pennsylvania Farm Show is the largest indoor agricultural event in America. The Farm Show Complex houses 24 acres under roof, spread throughout 11 buildings including three arenas.

The Farm Show Complex & Expo Center offers free wireless internet service which covers the entire complex making it the largest wifi network in the East.

The PA Farm Show has something for everyone, farmers and non-farmers. It provides an atmosphere for everyone to walk through, observe and educate themselves about different areas of agriculture, the Commonwealths largest industry, and what the industry provides to them.

The 2011 PA Farm Show is scheduled for January 8th-15th.

The PA Farm Show includes approximately 300 Commercial Exhibitors and includes over 13,000 Competitive Exhibits.

The PA Farm Show opens every year with a visit from the Governor and two performances of the Pennsylvania High School Rodeo Association sanctioned rodeo.

Several of the arena events each year at the PA Farm Show are: the opening ceremonies, Champion Horse and Pony Pulling Contests, Draft Horse Competition, the Annual Sheep-to-Shawl Contest (the shawls are then auctioned off), Square Dance Contest & Exhibition, Arena Carriage Racing, Tractor Square Dance, PA Equine Showcase, Equine Demo, Cow Milking Contest, Irish Dance Demo, PA Preferred Best Chef of Pennsylvania Competition, Livestock judging--Horses, Cattle, Swine, Sheep, and Goat Judging. All FREE Admission!

The PA Farm Show includes a Family Living Center, which is located on the East Side of the Main Hall. It consists of two acres of family living, horticultural, environmental and 4-H exhibits.

Farm Show Learning Stations - Approximately 20 learning stations are located throughout the PA Farm Show for visitors to explore different aspects of Pennsylvanias number one industry - agriculture!

Two of the most popular attractions at the PA Farm Show are the PA Preferred Culinary Connection and the PA Marketplace.

A unique feature attraction at the PA Farm Show every year is a life-size Butter Sculpture on display in the Main Hall, near the Maclay Street Lobby, which is done by Jim Victor of Conshohocken. It has a different theme every year. The subject of the 1,000 pound 19th annual butter sculpture displayed at the 2010 Farm Show was a dairy farm family and cow gathered around the breakfast table.

A very popular event is the Sale of Champions, which benefits 4-H and FFA members.

The Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo, a tremendous crowd pleaser, has been with the PA Farm Show for five years. The 2008 Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo, a ticketed event, was held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings.

>City(s) = Harrisburg; State(s) = PA; Country = USA.
>Title = Pennsylvania Farm Show, Harrisburg, PA, US - Video.
>Keywords = Pennsylvania Farm Show, Complex, Expo Center, North Cameron, Maclay Streets, Harrisburg, PA, indoor, agricultural, America arenas, wifi, Commercial Exhibitors, Governor, High School, Rodeo, Family, Living, Culinary, Marketplace, Butter Sculpture, Frontier Circuit Finals (259)
>Catg =
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