Thanksgiving and Black Friday Sales, Laurel, Arundel Mills Hanover, MD, US - 0 Pictures
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Thanksgiving Day is a joyous family festival celebrated with lot of enthusiasm in US, Canada and several other countries. Thanksgiving Day Festival commemorates the feast held by the Pilgrim colonists and members of the Wampanoag people at Plymouth in 1621. On this day people express gratitude to God for his blessings and give thanks to dear ones for their love and support. Feasting with family is an integral and most delightful part of Thanksgiving Day celebrations.

Thanksgiving day will be on the 4th Thursday of November every year. Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving,where it is the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season.

Retailers often decorate for the Christmas season weeks beforehand. Many retailers open very early (typically 5 am or even earlier) and offer doorbuster deals and loss leaders to draw people to their stores. In many cities it is not uncommon to see shoppers lined up hours before stores with big sales open. Once inside, the stores shoppers often rush and grab, as many stores have only a few of the big draw items.

Electronics and popular toys are often the most sought-after items and may be sharply discounted. Because of the shoulder-to-shoulder crowds, many choose to stay home and avoid the hectic shopping experience.

The local media often will cover the event, mentioning how early the shoppers began lining up at various stores and providing video of the shoppers standing in line and later leaving with their purchased items.

Traditionally Black Friday sales were intended for those shopping for Christmas gifts.

Cyber Monday, which unofficially marks the beginning of the Christmas online shopping season. Some of the stores are :Best buy, circuit city, kohls, radio shock, bed bath and beyond, deals2buy,, amazon, BJs, Sams, dell, home depot, JCPenny, KB Toys, KMart,Lowes,Macys, micro center,office depot,old navy,officemax,sears,toysrus,walmart.

>City(s) = Laurel, Hanover; State(s) = MD; Country = USA.
>Title = Thanksgiving and Black Friday Sales, Laurel, Arundel Mills Hanover, MD, US - Video.
>Keywords = Thanksgiving, day, Black, Friday, Sales, family, festival, US, Canada, feast, Pilgrim, colonists, and, members, of, the, Wampanoag, people, Plymouth, 1621., Feasting, with, celebrations., 4th, Thursday, November., Christmas, shopping, season.doorbuster, deals, long, lines, waiting, retailers, stores, big, Electronics, toys, discounts, gifts., Cyber, Monday, online, season., Best, buy, circuit, city, kohls, deals2buy, amazon, dell, JCPenny, KMart, Lowes, Macys.ourtripvideos, our, trip, videos, crlapindfrn, mail, in, rebate, MIR (45)
>Catg =
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