The American Flag Foundation is pleased to co-sponsor the Flag Day celebration with the National Park Service, and very happy to be back to Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine!
The United States is a nation of immigrants. Throughout our history, immigrants have come here seeking a better way of life and have strengthened our Nation in the process.
They extended heartfelt congratulations to some of Americas newest citizens to be naturalized here today on the hallowed grounds of Fort McHenry.
32nd Annual National Pause for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Flag Day, Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine, Baltimore, MD.
The Theme of This Years Program is E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many, One.
* Pre-program entertainment
* WELCOME - Bob Heck - Master of Ceremonies
* Presentation Of The Colors.
* Pledge Of Allegiance.
* National Anthem.
* Invocation Greetings From Fort Mchenry - Jim Ireland, Acting Superintendent Fort McHenry.
* US Citizenship And Immigration Services - Department Of Homeland Security Naturalization Ceremony.
- Call of Countries and Presentation of Candidates for Citizenship
- Gregory L. Collett, District Director, Baltimore District Office, USCIS.
- Administration of the Oath and Congratulatory Remarks - Alejandro Mayorkas, Director, USCIS.
- Keynote Address - Alejandro Mayorkas, Director, USCIS.
- Presentation of Certificates - Gregory L. Collett, District Director, Baltimore District Office, USCIS
* Greetings From The American Flag Foundation.
* PERFORMANCES - Barbershop Harmony Society singers.
* Baltimore Orioles Bird And Frederick Keys Mascot Performances.
* PARADE OF STATE FLAGS - An historical presentation of state flags with musical accompaniment.
* Concluding Performance - 229th Maryland Army National Guard Band.
* Spectacular Fireworks By Zambelli.
>City(s) = Baltimore; State(s) = MD; Country = USA.
>Title = The Flag Day and Fireworks at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, MD, US - Video.
>Keywords = Flag Day, Fort McHenry, Baltimore, MD, US, National Pause for the Pledge of Allegiance, Jun 14, American Foundation, AFF, NPS, immigrants, naturalized, Bob Heck, Presentation Colors, Anthem, USCIS, Gregory Alejandro, Barbershop, Orioles Bird, Frederick Keys, PARADE, STATE FLAGS, Fireworks, Zambelli, washington, virginia, maryland,Celebration American Flag (265)
>Catg =